It comes as part of a federal disaster declaration. The centers will help victims with financial assistance for home repairs or other, uninsured losses.
Disaster assistance for those affected by storms during Memorial Day weekend are available for victims in 15 Kentucky counties.
More than one million dollars from the Federal Emergency Management Agency is going to the Perry County Board of Education to help its schools rebuild from the 2022 floods.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency is opening four Disaster Recovery Centers this week to help Kentuckians impacted by storms in early April.
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The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s temporary housing program for victims of eastern Kentucky’s disastrous floods is scheduled to end January 29.
The agency is getting $25,248,115 for their efforts. Three-quarters of that amount, $18,936,036, comes from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, while the rest comes from state funding.
More than $11 million in federal dollars from the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Public Assistance program has been approved to reimburse debris removal efforts during last year’s eastern Kentucky flooding.
Officials from the Federal Emergency Management Agency say regional flood recovery duties would continue if a potential government shutdown happens. That includes disaster recovery and mitigation efforts.
The United States began observing National Preparedness Month in 2004. This year, the Federal Emergency Management Agency is focusing on outreach to senior citizens and those living with disabilities.