Kentucky school districts could shorten their academic calendars by up to ten days under legislation approved in the House today. Local school officials have been clamoring for some legislative guidance in the wake of a rough winter and many cancelations.
Dry Ridge Representative Brian Linder cast a "yes" vote. "Now this bill does not say that they have to forgive all ten days. This gives our school boards and our superintendents the power to look for and forgive up to ten days. That may be one. That may be two," said Linder.
Linder suggested school districts consider eliminating fall breaks in the future to build in more scheduling flexibility. Erlanger Representative Adam Koenig cast a "no" vote this morning. "I often hear from teachers and we've heard it on this floor that you know we keep adding things that they have to teach and we get told how are we supposed to fit this into this school calendar, and yet we have no problem in eliminating ten days," said Koenig.
This winter's snow and ice had some school officials canceling class day after day. Senate President Robert Stivers says this year needs attention now, but a broader view is also important. "We are looking at something that is more far reaching in the future. But, right now, we're gonna have to put a band aid on it," said Stivers.
Stivers says it's a complicated matter when you consider scheduling testing and graduations. Still, he doesn't believe the best solution is to offer a ten day option for all districts.?