Legislation that would allow those with concealed carry permits to carry weapons into bars and restaurants is on its way to the Kentucky House.
The Senate passed the measure Thursday by a 30 to 4 vote. Northern Kentucky Senator John Schickel believes Senate Bill 60 is all about the right to defend oneself. He told fellow senators crime rates and gun-related accidents have fallen since concealed carry laws were established.
Schickel says there is a place for gun possession in a bar. “Now some have said that’s crazy, how could you, how could you Mr. President, how could you mix guns and alcohol, that’s very irresponsible." Actually, he says, the opposite is true, "This law strictly forbids anyone to consume alcohol while they have a concealed carry weapon."
The Union senator says bar owners can still opt to not allow concealed weapons in their establishments. One of the four "no" votes came from Lexington Senator Reggie Thomas. He says, there’s no mechanism to police that now, "Anyone with a loaded gun can now feel entitled to come into a bar, no one is going to know that and one thing can lead to another." If the bill becomes law, Thomas predicts a spike in bar-related shootings in Kentucky.
Schickel remains optimistic the Kentucky House will also support the measure.