Governor Mitt Romney brought his campaign to Cincinnati today where he toured a medical equipment manufacturer while talking jobs, the economy and his political adversary, Rick Santorum. Romney touted his private sector track record while promising to cut regulations he says are driving businesses into the ground. He characterized himself as a Washington outsider and criticized former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum… who leads Romney in Ohio by seven points in a recent poll.
“I don’t believe it’s appropriate for us to keep raising the debt ceiling every year. He voted five times to raise the debt ceiling without getting compensating cuts in spending. During his time in the Senate, only two terms, the size of the federal government grew 80 percent,” said Romney.
Romney also condemned President Obama’s policies for smothering job creation and private businesses. He promised to cut government spending, give more control back to states… and repeal the federal health care reform law. Ohioans head to the polls on Super Tuesday, March 6th.