On Thursday morning, Facebook visitor Peter posted, “Eastern Standard is interviewing a homeopathic doctor about the flu and vaccinations. Are you kidding me? Why not interview a faith healer while you're at it?” To which, Erik commented, “Not just a homeopath, a quantum nutritionist, whatever the hell that means.”
That entire show is of course available at WEKU dot fm or downloadable as a podcast.
Listener Lee, from Lexington, responded to Tuesday night’s election coverage…
“A few minutes ago, you said you’d like to figure out how to improve voter turnout, that is increase it. In the early 1970’s, State Representative Larry Hopkins introduced a bill into the state legislature which would at least have doubled voter turnout. It required two things: First, on every ballot in the state of Kentucky controlled by the state of Kentucky which is everything except President and Vice President, “No preference” shall appear; Second, if “no preference” gains a plurality in any race, the election will be run over without the candidates who lost to “no preference” and the parties who backed the candidates that lost to “no preference” shall pay for the re-run election.” Have fun, bye.”
We’re interested in your feedback. Send it by email to WEKU@eku.edu. Leave your voicemail message at 859-622-1657. Post on Facebook or the website or send us a tweet @889weku.
Then tune in for Listener Feedback again next Monday morning at 6:49 and 8:49 or in the afternoon at 5:33 on 88.9 WEKU.