One of our listeners who made a donation near the end of the year added an anonymous comment that’s worth sharing, “I decided after years of being put off with NPR over the firing of Bob Edwards, for the excessive Zionist reporting, and your station for failing to deliver on a poster from Star Date that I would come off my high horse and say thank you for the new wonderful programming. I listen almost all day now when not working. Thank you for the classical station, too.”
An email from “Nancy,” “Thank you for broadcasting the Paul Winter Solstice concert again this year. It's the highlight of the holiday season for me.”
From “Chris” in Berea, “If I access you via your stream on the Internet (which is now the only way I listen when I’m not in the car), the volume of WEKU is about ½ to 2/3rds that of any other public broadcasting station.”
“TF” posted a similar message on Facebook, “"I cannot seem to stream the station on TuneIn Radio from my phone. I just get the antiquated request to press the donation button and then a message that the stream is not available. Is station management aware that a growing number of listeners stream the station through phones, Roku, and computers? Using the streaming device I am able to listen to any NPR station in the country but I prefer to stay with the programming of my local NPR station, which I support, WEKU."
SPECIAL NOTE: To all listeners who are having problems with web streaming, we are looking into what’s going on which appears to be a number of problems.
We’re interested in your feedback in any form. Leave a voice message at 859-622-1657 or send it by e-mail to: WEKU at eku dot edu.
And, tune in again next Monday at 6:33 or 8:49 am or 5:33 pm for Listener Feedback on 88-9, WEKU.