At Wednesday’s coronavirus briefing, Governor Beshear expressed concern that in the coming weeks and months the virus spread in the Commonwealth will get worse before it gets better. The governor reported 1,487 cases and 21 deaths. Both were the second highest numbers for COVID-19 cases and deaths.
Beshear said the effectiveness of any steps taken by the government depends on the number of people willing to follow them. “We got to get that right that we don’t push so hard on some of the practices that we know can lessen the spread, but will result in fewer and fewer following them,” said Beshear.
Governor Beshear is also concerned a surge of coronavirus cases in Kentucky could be worse than that seen earlier this year. The governor said he bases that on the higher number of daily cases, the national spread, and spending more time inside with cooling weather.
Beshear also reported cases at Wilmores’ Thomson-Hood Veterans home continue to stress caregivers. “Up to 71 positive veterans, 13 are hospitalized, one recovered, and one in the COVID unit in-house. Six COVID positive veterans have died,” said Beshear.
The governor also announced more than 37 hundred applications for eviction relief fundng have been submitted. So the application portal for the $15 million in federal CARES Act money is being closed. Beshear said if other federal funds become available, more applications may be taken.
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