Affordable housing and housing affordability: the perspectives of a fair housing advocate, an urban homebuilder and a rural housing developer | "Everyday…
Who will tend to the development of young minds? Public school teachers are increasingly in short supply as we’ll hear from Lt. Governor Jacqueline…
Who will tend to the development of young minds? Public school teachers are increasingly in short supply as we’ll hear from Lt. Governor Jacqueline…
“State of Justice” series: Do prisons bring economic prosperity to struggling rural counties? | On being a volunteer prisoner visitor: Jean Rosenberg on…
Covid 19 vaccines: calibrating our expectations. We offer the perspectives of two Kentucky experts | How is the pandemic messing with our minds? We hear…
Covid-19 vaccines are on the way. How should you calibrate expectations about when you will roll up your sleeve? We hear the perspectives of two Kentucky…
What is the meaning and intent of the phrase “Black Lives Matter”? Gerald Smith takes up the question with Sandra Weissinger, Associate Professor of…
Shawn Gannon teaches welders. He can’t graduate them fast enough to meet demand | Lee Todd, Thomas Martin on what is gained from a marriage of education…
Lee Todd, Thomas Martin on what is gained from a marriage of education and economy - as well as what should not be lost | Shawn Gannon teaches welders. He…
A pandemic priority: children. A child psychiatrist weighs-in on abuse and neglect now going unnoticed| Music for Mission channels John Lennon | Future…