Ohio’s Tuesday primary election was thrown into uncertainty by conflicting decisions about how to vote during the coronavirus pandemic. A judge denied a lawsuit to postpone the vote and then the state declared a health emergency to postpone it anyway.
Governor Mike DeWine announced that the state would order polls close as a public health emergency and seek a remedy through the courts to extend voting options.
He said conducting an election Tuesday would force poll workers and voters to place themselves at an unacceptable health risk of contracting coronavirus.
Earlier Monday, Franklin County Court of Common Pleas Judge Richard Frye ruled against a lawsuit filed by voters asking for a restraining order to push Ohio’s Primary Election date to June 2.
He said the situation was unprecedented and he didn't want to take the decision away from the state legislature and statewide officials.
Those arguing against the delay claimed no voter would be disenfranchised because of early and absentee voting opportunities.
The developments created confusion for Boards of Election around the state. Some announced the election had been suspended before the judge's ruling was made. And then tried to call poll workers to come back in before DeWine announced the state’s actions.
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