For the past couple of weeks, we’ve aired comments in reaction to a listener who does not like NPR’s new announcer, Sabrina Farhi. Sabrina is the new voice of underwriting credits for most of the NPR shows, especially the hourly newscasts, Morning Edition and All Things Considered. Phyllis wrote, “Please give my support to the new announcer that the woman listener complained about. Everybody is new some time, and I felt the woman’s comments were overdone.”
You may have noticed we’ve been asking for year-end contributions in support of our stations. Some of those donations come with comments.
Here are a few. Jennifer, from Berea, writes, “I love the talk programming, especially "Q," "Wait, Wait," and "Kentucky tonight." I listen to "Q" almost every day while carpooling the kids. The only thing I just cannot stand is "Dinner Party Download." Its smug hipster smarminess makes me cringe.”
John, from Frankfort, says, “Schedule Rick Steves at a reasonable time, 6:OO is too early!”
From Alice, in Danville, “We moved from Chicago two years ago, and, needless to say, we were, and continue to be, thrilled to discover your wonderful classical station. WFMT is a really hard act to follow, but you are doing a fine job!”
Another Alice, in Lexington, writes, “You are in the car with us every day. It's wonderful to discuss topics with friends who've heard the same program. Thanks for keeping us up to date on a variety of subjects.”
And finally, Julie, from Lexington, “I miss the morning classical music, but its absence makes me appreciate your evenings with classical music that much more.”
We’re interested in your feedback. Leave a voice message at 859-622-1657 or send it by e-mail to: WEKU (at) EKU dot EDU.
And, tune in again next Monday at 6:33 or 8:49 am or during All Things Considered at 5:33 pm for Listener Feedback on 88-9, WEKU.