Lexington’s mass transit administrators are being asked to consider expanding service to public parks. The initial inquiry centers on one large area of green space, Jacobson Park.
The request came from a number of council members during this week’s work session meeting. Among them, council member Jennifer Mossotti, “What we’re trying to do is instill people to utilize our parks and not only the shopping centers but let’s get out there and be a little healthy.”
Lextran General Manager Carrie Butler says it’s a financial balancing act when this type of request comes in. “Our growth rate in our revenue has typically been lower than what our expenses have gone up, so we’re not always able to expand as quickly as we would like to provide service,” Butler explained.
Lextran Board Chair Jeff Fugate says an official request will be made to the bus company staff.
The mass transit representatives are also being asked to consider expanding advertising criteria for public buses. That question also came this week at City Hall. General Manager Carrie Butler says it was a local board decision not to allow alcohol-related ads. Council member Jake Gibbs asked that the standard be reviewed, “I would hope they would reconsider, given that we’re on the bourbon angle here and the micro-brewery thing that’s going on in this community.”
Gibbs, who represents a portion of downtown Lexington, says he thinks alcohol ads could be a significant source of revenue. ?