Leaders in the House and Senate appear closer to reaching an agreement on a three billion dollar road plan. Differences between the two chambers have made negotiations difficult. House Budget Review Committee on Transportation Chair Leslie Combs says there's still some details to work out.
"We're back and moving forward. It's never done until it's done. As far as a time frame, I've been asked that a couple of times, we've got til midnight tonight," said Combs.
The 2014 session concludes at midnight. Senate President Robert Stivers wants language in the bill to limit the governor's authority on certain road work. If not passed, Governor Beshear says he will bring lawmakers back to Frankfort.
"Obviously, if we don't pass a road plan, there will be a special session, I can guarantee you that," said Beshear. "I don't think that will be necessary now because hopefully we're gonna have a road plan."
Leaders say agreement has been reached on major projects, but negotiations continue on specific road projects important to individual lawmakers .?