Kentucky Senator Kathy Stein is celebrating a judge's decision to delay the filing deadline for candidates for the General Assembly. Stein was drawn out of her Lexington district when the Senate drafted new maps to reflect changes in population. She filed suit, arguing the new maps are unconstitutional. Today , a judge delayed the deadline for candidates to file so he can further review the case. Stein agrees the issue deserves more study.
"I'm very pleased we will now be given the opportunity to present the very credible evidence that we have to show that this plan violates the Kentucky Constitution and the Federal Constitution," said Stein.
Scott County Senator Damon Thayer chairs his chamber's State and Local Government Committee, which oversaw redistricting. He stands by the maps, and he doesn't know if the ruling will force any changes.
"I have no idea.I don't's in the hands of the court right now. I can't speculate on what the court may or may not do..we passed a map that I believe is constitutional,” said Thayer.
Thayer believes the delay in the filing deadline could cause more partisan tension over the next week