Fayette County Clerk Don Blevins is looking for more last minute requests for absentee ballots in the fast approaching November Election. In Kentucky, The deadline to apply for an absentee ballot online is 11:59 p.m. Friday.
As of midday, about 90,000 requests had come into the county clerk’s office. Blevins said he had hoped for 120,000. Those ballots can be mailed in or put in drop boxes. There are eight in-person voting locations being readied in the Lexington area. Blevins noted adding more is not feasible at this point. “We’re at max capacity right now. My elections team is working 60 to 70 hours a week. There’s just no more hours in the day for us to watch and oversee more sites. We’re just maxed out at this point,” said Blevins.
In-person voting begins October 13th. Those voting locations are the Tates Creek, Northside, and Beaumont library branches, the Dunbar Center, the Lexington Senior Center, the Bluegrass Community and Technical College Leestown campus, and Wellington and Garrett Morgan Elementaries. Blevins says it will be important to see voting spread out during the week, on Saturdays, and on Election Day.
Here's more with Fayette County Clerk Don Blevins:

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