Lexington's Radio News Leader

Rep. Andy Barr Talks Faith While Church Digital Team Tweets

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The Office of Andy Barr

Sixth District Rep. Andy Barr discussed his faith and civic responsibility in Lexington Monday evening. While the media was not allowed at the public meeting, it was shared beyond the sanctuary via Twitter.

While Barr was fielding questions read by The Reverend Laurie Brock, church member "Jerri D." was “live” tweeting each answer from the pews at Saint Michael the Archangel Church. 

@MissJerriD on Twitter, was typing away under the hashtag "ChristianAndCitizen."

She said social media is a part of the ministry at the church. Reverend Brock even encourages her parishioners to tweet during Sunday services. She is part of a team.

During the hour-long exchange the audience was respectful, even occasionally laughing. That is a departure from the often raucous town hall crowds Barr faced earlier this year. 

Barr didn’t take questions directly from the audience but 80 percent of those submitted in advance were about the American Health Care Act, being crafted in the U.S. Senate. But Brock also pushed Barr to speak of how faith groups and government work together to care for refugees.

On the way out, Barr said he welcomed the opportunity to talk about his faith.

And, of course, Brock ended the event with a prayer.

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