A series of additional portraits now decorate the walls of Lexington’s Council Chambers. Paintings of four former mayors were retrieved by Mayor Jim Gray and Council member Bill Farmer from an old storage site
“It’s art and its history and it’s council. It’s been a really nice addition and it gives people something else to look at and, but they’re mayors that we don’t know, so I just try to add a little information in so people are aware of who these, in this incident, who these men were and what they did,” said Farmer.
Besides helping with the recovery of the portraits, Farmer has also taken time during meetings to offer a biography of the former mayors. Last week, he spoke about T- Ward Havely, who served as mayor during World War Two.
“It was during his administration that the new city county airport on Versailes Pike was built. He was also instrumental in obtaining the Lexington signal depot at nearby Avon and helped consolidate the city and county health departments,” Farmer told Council members.
The new additions currently on display at city hall feature some of the mayors who served Lexington between 1894 and the early 1950’s. They are Henry Duncan, T-Ward Havely, Thomas Mooney, and R-Mac Oldham.