Mike Osborne
Mike Osborne is the newest addition to the on-air staff at WMOT. He now serves as the News Director for Middle Tennessee Public Radio and can be heard on-air daily.
Mike has worked in media for most of the last 40 years, beginning with radio at the age of 14. His first broadcast experience was reading the news for High School radio station WRCJ-FM in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Two years later Mike landed his first professional gig, doing graveyard shifts at WKFI-AM, a small-town station in Central Ohio. After graduating from High School, Mike quickly moved up to become the station’s Program Manager at just 20 years of age.
For more than two decades, Mike worked for international radio station KNLS. The station broadcasts shortwave radio programs from transmitters in Alaska down the Pacific Rim and into East Asia. Mike served as the host for the station’s English Language Service transmissions for nearly twenty years. His on-air work generated listener response from more than 100 nations and all the continents, including Antarctica.
During his years with KNLS, Mike also did freelance work for several media outlets, including Voice of America, Associated Press Radio, World Vision Radio, the USA Radio Network, and the radio division of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.
The Goo Goo Cluster, a chocolate-covered bundle of marshmallow, peanuts, and caramel from Tennessee, turns 100 in October. After a long association with Nashville's Grand Ole Opry, the gooey treat is looking for a new audience.