Kentucky News Content Service
Governor Makes Appointments to Boards, CommissionsFRANKFORT – Gov. Steve Beshear has made numerous appointments to Kentucky boards and commissions.Gov. Beshear has appointed the following members to the…
State CapitolJust before the federal government declared default, the U.S. Senate announced Wednesday afternoon it reached a deal to avoid the fiscal cliff and get the…
Business and the EconomyUnemployment rates decreased in 49 Kentucky counties between April 2012 and April this year, while 63 county rates rose and eight stayed the same,…
Beginning today and continuing through June 2, Kentucky State Police will be participating in the “Click It or Ticket” national, seatbelt enforcement…
Fifteen nominations to the National Register of Historic Places were approved today during a meeting of the Kentucky Historic Preservation Review Board at…
Business and the EconomyKentucky’s seasonally adjusted preliminary unemployment rate fell to 7.9 percent in April from 8 percent in March 2013, according to the Office of…
Gov. Steve Beshear on Wednesday signed House Bill 207 that unites the state’s two Career and Technical Education (CTE) systems under the guidance of…
Officials at Kentucky’s public and independent colleges and universities estimate that they have conferred 61,472 degrees and credentials during the…
Washington, DC – The U.S. Senate has passed bill which contains Sen. Mitch McConnell’s measure protecting access to critical Kentucky fishing waters,…
FRANKFORT – A ceremony of remembrance Tuesday marked the re-interment of the remains of 178 individuals that were exhumed in 2011 on the Eastern State…