Lexington's Radio News Leader

Georgetown Becomes 13th Kentucky City To Pass a Fairness Ordinance

Mary Meehan

The city of Georgetown became the latest Kentucky community to approve a fairness ordinance last night.  The ordinance protects citizens from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

During a marathon council meeting Monday night, council members heard lengthy public comment including chapter and verse biblical references cited by both supporters and opponents of the ordinance under consideration.

Two and a half hours into the meeting, 39 speakers were nearly evenly split in their opinions. Mayor Tom Prather attempted to keep the meeting under control by reminding the crowd to refrain from cheering or jeering the packed council room.

After hearing arguments for and against the measure, council approved the ordinance which is similar to one tabled two and a half years ago.  The ordinance goes into effect in January 2020. Georgetown is the 13th Kentucky City to approve such a measure. Lexington passed its fairness ordinance 20 years ago.

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