All year a Russell County woman has been visiting her husband at the Lexington Veterans Affairs Healthcare System each week – and the VA’s Fisher House is making it possible. The Fisher House is a 16-suite facility at the Sousley campus that gives family members of patients undergoing surgery or staying at the VA for an extended period a free place to stay. Donna Antle was there again Thursday.
“The place is beautiful. The rooms are awesome. They're private, quiet. The food -- anything you want, anytime you want. You can get a meal at night if you want and cook something.”
Antle is waiting for a spot in a nursing home close to home to open for her husband, Allen. She said the weekly, extended visits made possible by the Fisher House mean a lot to each of them.
“It's definitely a blessing in to be able to spend the time, you know, because I'm sure he misses, you know, we're so far from home, he misses everybody, and I'm about the only one that gets to come up.”
The Antles are waiting for a room in a nursing home close to home to open. We’ll have more on the Antles, and the Fisher House, soon on WEKU.
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