Lexington’s Veterans Affairs Healthcare System offers several programs to cut the risk of self-harm for vets. On Tuesday, September 10, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., they’ll host a World Suicide Prevention Day Health Fair at the Sousley campus on Leestown Road. Laura Kern is the suicide prevention program manager for the Lexington VA.
“It is an opportunity for veterans, caregivers, employees, to come and learn more about how each person plays a role in preventing suicide. We'll have the VA police there to show how to use gun locks.”
Kern says while veterans at higher risk of suicide than the general population, the VA can help.
“We do know that veterans that connect to the VA are at lower risk than the general veteran population not connected, and we do a multitude of things to help reduce those risk factors that veterans often have.”
Kern said VA enrollment specialists will be among those offering resources at the health fair. If you or someone you know is in crisis, the number for the National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline is 9-8-8.
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