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Lexington launches a full-scale Fourth Festival Friday


Lexington’s four-day Fourth of July Festival gets going Friday with the traditional ice cream social at 11:30 in Tandy Centennial Park. It culminates Monday night with the fireworks show downtown. Lexington Director of Recreation Adrienne Thakur said much more is planned this weekend than last year.

“We had an abbreviated celebration with just the race and the ice cream social did not happen, the parade was very small, and there was no festival. So, we’re really trying to bring it back to the way it was prior to the pandemic interruption,” said Thakur.

Monday, the fourth, will find lots of parade units making their way down Main Street. Thakur said the procession will have an earlier start this year.

“We are having the parade at 11:30, so that keeps the festival a little more condensed. It also allows people to only be out during the cooler part of the morning, so they can have the afternoon to spend with their families or as they wish and then return back in the evening when the sun is down for the fireworks spectacular,” said Thakur.

Those fireworks are scheduled to shoot off about 10:00 on Monday night. Also planned this weekend are the Red, White, and Blue music event at Moondance Amphitheater on Saturday and the Patriotic Concert Sunday evening at Transylvania.

Stu has been reporting for WEKU for more than 35 years. His primary beat is Lexington/Fayette government.
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