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Lexington council gets update on new downtown convention center


Lexington’s downtown convention center is nearing completion. It’s already catching the eye of some large meeting groups.

The Lutheran Women’s Missionary group became the first visitor to use the new space last June. VisitLex, the city’s tourism arm, is using the “new smell”, often cited in new cars, as a selling point.

Gathan Borden is the vice president of marketing for VisitLex. He told Council the printed ads are also getting out there.

“And then we have those strong bullet points in there. 20,000 seat Rupp Arena, 200,000 square feet of flexible exhibit space, and then 1200 hotel rooms within walking distance. That way if a media planner is looking at a publication, and they’re flipping pages we want to make sure we can hit them with some strong numbers,” said Borden

VisitLex Vice President for Sales and Services Marci Krueger said the attention to sound quality is key when it comes to meeting space.

“The interior of the meeting space. And when we’re in there with groups and they’re looking at Lexington, the acoustics in these rooms are incredible. The design and the architecture have been top-notch. And then the ballroom, there’s LED lights throughout the whole ballroom that will change in color,” said Krueger.

VisitLex President Mary Quinn Ramer said the entire project should be finished this spring which is when an official opening ceremony is planned.

Stu has been reporting for WEKU for more than 35 years. His primary beat is Lexington/Fayette government.
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