The future of a facility that serves Lexington’s homeless residents could be decided Friday at city hall. The city’s Board of Adjustments could revoke a permit for the Community Inn. Some neighbors worry it poses a threat to children who live near the overnight shelter. Rick Foster stays at the Community Inn. “A pedaphile or anyone who would be a sexual predator could be anywhere, anytime. I’m sure there are plenty of them that live in homes. It’s not just the homeless community…I really felt it’s injustice to the church itself….they definitely are a church,” said Foster.
The debate over the Community Inn is over whether it’s a church. As a church, it could be allowed to stay open. Rick Foster also stays at the Community Inn and believes the center serves as a church. In additional to spiritual services, Foster says a nurse helps residents with health care. Kimberly Derrickson sees a need for the Winchester Road center.
“They are trying to do a church oriented thing and help people that wouldn’t necessarily have the opportunity to get back on their feet…and that’s what the program mainly is about,” added Derrickson.
Rick Foster says there’s no question in his mind the Community Inn is a church..
“They bring pastors and reverends in there to have sermons, bible studies…and we go up in the upper room upstairs there and have our services.. I’ve attended that and they give you food and drink and invite in the strangers…just like it talks about in Matthew 25,” said Foster.
Meanwhile, Lexington Mayor Jim Gray is seeking members for a brand new city commission on homelessness. Those appointments are expected later this month.