New academic standards for Kentucky students could put additional demands for teachers and administrators. As a result, some educators say student scores could drop. But, Elaine Farris, who's the third candidate in the search for Fayette County’s next school superintendent, doesn’t see it that way.
“My expectations are never gonna be negative expectations. So I would expect that it wouldn’t happen. So, I think you get what you expect,” said Farris.
In addressing the achievement gap, the Clark County Schools Superintendent admits it sometimes requires re-teaching standards until students master the instruction.
“We might look at direct instruction. We might look at structuring the day different for these particular kids that are not yet there. We need to look at extending the learning time,” added Farris.
Farris believes her experience as an elementary and high school principal, and a superintendent in two school systems, and her experience with the state department of education make her a good choice.
Homework can help a child learn, but Farris says there are limits. She thinks homework can offer a viable learning experience, but it needs to tie in well to the school day.
“If the activity is not extending on the knowledge that has been taught that day, then my question is, is it relevant? And so I think was have to look at why we’re giving homework,” explained Farris.
Jessamine County School Superintendent Lu (LEW) Young and Daviess County Superintendent, Tom Shelton are the other two finalists in the search for a successor to retiring superintendent Stu Silberman. The board meets Friday to consider the three finalists.