With fuel prices approaching record highs, the delivery of energy saving school buses to Madison County couldn’t come at a better time. Richmond this week welcomes four hybrid buses to the school fleet. Madison County Schools Community Education Director Erin Stewart says the buses will be used on especially busy routes.
“We do have several routes that in our city limits that require our drivers to stop and start multiple times in a short distance. And that starting and stopping is what uses most of the fuel that they have, so putting these buses on those routes is obviously going to save fuel consumption because they are not geared to use as much fuel from the get go,” said Stewart.
Stewart says the hybrid buses will cut fuel consumption by about a third. They begin service when the school year begins this fall. Over time, the hope is to add to the fleet.
“We’re going to look at what the cost savings is and how much of an impact they’re making on our daily routines and see where to go from there,” said Stewart.
Along with their low cost and being environmentally friendly, the buses come with educational benefits. Madison County high school students will examine their hybrid technology in the classroom.
A state grant paid the 240-thousand dollar cost.