Richmond, Kentucky is the place to be this weekend if you have any interest in Civil War history. Alan Lytle explains. Hundreds of blue and grey-clad re-enactors, and thousands of spectators, will once again gather in Madison County this weekend to commemorate the 149th anniversary of the Battle of Richmond."It's the most complete Confederate victory of the entire Civil War"
And second only to Perryville as the bloodiest in Kentucky, according to Battle of Richmond Association director Dr. Paul Rominger. He says battle re-enactments are but a part of the weekend's activities.
"We have food vendors, we have period sutlers, there's a living history area."
President and Mary Todd Lincoln are also slated to appear.
"It's a pretty neat place to be. Last year we had 4,000 visitors."
Rominger says even more could show up this year, because of the 150th anniversary of the start of the Civil War. Hostilities commence on Saturday and Sunday at 2 pm at Battlefield Park in Richmond.