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UK Neurologist On Possible Link Between Coronavirus And Stroke


The chair of neurology at the University of Kentucky says a recent report of relatively young coronavirus patients in New York suffering strokes deserves attention.  Dr. Larry Goldstein said the New England Journal of Medicine report sites the cases of five patients ranging in age from 33 to 49.

Goldstein said there’s medical information about COVID-19 and its effect on the circulatory system.  “There’s now evidence that it can directly affect the linings of arteries and blood vessels that can cause a disruption that might lead to clot formation,” said Goldstein.

Goldstein said three of the five New York patients did have other risk factors, but two did not.  The neurologist added UK health providers thus far haven’t seen strokes associated with COVID-19.  Goldstein noted it’s important for people to seek medical attention immediately for any sign of stroke like balance issues, losing vision on one side, weakness on one side, and slurred speech. 

Here's more with UK Department of Neurology Chair Dr. Larry Goldstein:


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