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Fayette Health Commissioner Says Doctors Must Be Protected From Coronavirus


Fayette County Health Commissioner Kraig Humbaugh says efforts to protect doctors and nurses from the coronavirus are important in order to provide care to all patients regardless of what ailment or disease they may need treatment for.  

Humbaugh said the duration of coronavirus activity still remains unknown. “It remains to be seen what the rate of infection will be and how many people will get sick.  That’s why we’re trying early on to identify cases in public health to contain people, to do contact tracing and to delay the spread of this disease,” said Humbaugh.

Humbaugh noted outdoor activities are certainly not out of line during the current coronavirus pandemic.  Humbaugh served as the state epidemiologist for a dozen years in Frankfort.  He said it’s still important to adhere to social distance suggestions, particularly when it might involve a group of people. “We want kids to play outdoors.  We want people to go jogging and that kind of thing.  What we want to try to avoid as much as possible is the physical relationships within six feet,” explained Humbaugh

Humbaugh added social distancing measures to separate people is another part of the prevention formula.

Listen to the full interview with Dr. Humbaugh, beginning with the question of hospital staffing to treat coronavirus patients and other seriously ill patients.   

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