An array of Lexington officials is urging area residents to take dog bite prevention tips to heart. It comes during a national observance of mail carrier related dog bite concerns.
It’s been almost five years since Lexington mail carrier Jim Rice got bit by a dog, a bite injury requiring 11 staples in the back of his leg. He says keeping dogs away from a carrier is always the aim.
“We’re dog lovers, but not in the minds of the dog. To dogs, we’re invaders, we’re intruders,” said Rice. “A lot of them will let us know they don’t appreciate our coming on their territory.”
Animal Care and Control’s Tim Brown said 250 dog bites were reported last year. While a domesticated pet related rabies case hasn’t been seen in Lexington in a decade, Environmental Health Team Leader Luke Mathias says rabies is seen in bats and skunks.
Sometimes, workers responding to dog related concerns become victims. That was the case on September 28, 2017 for Animal Control Officer Aaron Evans. “It was basically hand to hand combat until you know I basically had to lay on the dog and the owner in the middle of the driveway and with my hands, restrain the dog to the ground until somebody arrived,” said Evans.
Evans says she suffered dog bite injuries to her left leg, both forearms, and a finger. In that situation, she said it was important for her to, quote, “push through the fear” to successfully deal with the situation.