Lexington's Radio News Leader

Emergency Management Officials Urge Kentuckians to Establish a Plan during “Disaster Preparedness Mo


Governor Steve Beshear has declared September "Disaster Preparedness Month" in the Commonwealth. Officials with Kentucky Emergency Management are hopeful citizens take time this month to consider the risks posed by natural disasters.

Buddy Rogers with Kentucky EMS says rain, wind, and snow can be more than a nuisance.  "We're at risk every day and the greatest risk that we face in Kentucky is from weather.  Since Governor Beshear's administration, we've had 11 presidentially declared disasters and each of those were due to weather," said Rogers.

Kentuckians endured ice damage in 2009, flooding in 2011 and tornadoes in 2012. 

Rogers says residents who plan for the possibility of disaster tend to cope better than those who don't.  "Those folks who had prepared themselves and increased their awareness of those risks were better prepared to face the calamity that followed.  They fared better and there was less emotional stress on themselves and their family," added Rogers.

Following recent flooding, damages are being assessed in portions of in eastern Kentucky. Officials are hoping the affected areas qualify for federal assistance. ?

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