More than a hundred people have volunteered to join a brand new commission on homelessness in Lexington. Members of the Mayor’s Commission are expected to be named this month. Laura Connell with the Lexington Rescue Mission hopes homeless people will have a significant voice on the commission.
“Maybe people who have gone through homelessness recently, but who may not even be in that situation now…they can definitely lend a perspective that is very valuable..that needs to be heard…I think it’s important that we don’t come at this necessarily with a top down approach, but that we’re coming at it with a bottom up as well,”
said Connell.
For over a decade, the Lexington Rescue Mission helps meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the homeless. It serves about 25 thousand meals annually along with providing clothing, medical services, and life skills courses. Connell hopes the commission will give attention to some difficult issues.
“I know there’s been some tension with residents of Phoenix Park and the feeding that goes on there with local churches who are trying to reach out and that’s something that I’m sure is a top priority for the city that needs to be addressed,” said Connell.
Appointments to the commission should come from the Lexington mayor’s office in the next week or so