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EKU Professors, Students, and Staff Rally for Higher Education

Stu Johnson

Professors, students, and staff at Eastern Kentucky University rallied in support of higher education Thursday in the heart of the Richmond campus.  

Letcher County Junior Logan Burris invited those gathered near the Daniel Boone Statue to head to the Capitol on April 23. “We will be at Frankfort.  We will be inside the capitol rotunda, and we will have our voices heard,” said Burris.
Also attending EKU’s event was English Professor Jerry Nachtwey who held a sign with a Middle English message.  “I’m also concerned overall about the reduction in funding for higher ed in general.  I mean the whole notion of a liberal arts education is really under siege,” noted Nachtwey.

During his remarks, EKU Faculty Regent Richard Day told the group this is a moment is the state’s educational history where tenure is under director attack.  A Frankfort rally is scheduled for April 23rd. 

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