Eastern Kentucky University will apply with the state of Kentucky to make its Model Lab School a new charter school.
EKU’s Board of Regents also took action Wednesday to freeze the university’s tuition for a year.
A large group of third through fifth graders at Model sang out to Board of Regents members as they considered the future of the state’s only remaining laboratory school.
Rita Rice was among the parents attending the meeting at Model. She’s not surprised at the results of a survey of students.
“Do you want a new school? Of course the kids want a new school. But, not at the cost of losing this building we have here,” said Rice.
Rice was speaking metaphorically, referring to current students and teachers who comprise Model.
EKU President Michael Benson says a move to operating as a charter school would not mean starting over with a whole new student body.
“The deal breaker for us is if we can’t keep that student population and grandfather them in or do a conversion somehow, then we won’t pursue it.”
EKU Vice President David McFadden says removing the requirement for a lottery so the school would begin with a new student body would require legislative action.
Eastern officials stressed the Board of Regents decision is just the first step to converting Model to be a charter school.