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AG Beshear Says Dialogue Only Answer in Police Shootings


Kentucky Attorney General Andy Beshear says it’s difficult to watch some things going on across the U.S.  He was referring to violence such as Sunday's ambush-style shootings of three police officers in Baton Rouge. Beshear says he understands there are concerns about policing today, "None of them should lead to violence and all this is about getting together as a community to talk through any differences that we have.”

Beshear says a biblical passage offers some guidance in these times.  “I think at these times as I turn a little bit to my faith and I think it’s 2 Timothy 1-7 that said ‘The Lord did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and love.’  And we need to turn towards that power and towards that love to start really addressing these issues,” explained Beshear.

The attorney general offered his response following his participation in a ground breaking for a new Kentucky United Methodist Home for Children and Youth.?

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