The partial federal government shutdown is hurting tourist businesses near Cave Run Lake. Boat ramps on the man-made lake, which are managed by the U-S Army Corps of Engineers, are closed. Kentucky House Speaker Greg Stumbo says businesses in Morehead and three eastern Kentucky counties are feeling the effects.
“So it’s really crazy, particularly from an economic standpoint because the ramps are unmanned. It doesn’t require anybody to do anything other than occasionally clean the ramp up, I don’t even know what the maintenance schedule would be,” said Stumbo.
Stumbo suspects the ramps could be reopened with no or very little cost to the state. However, Senate Majority Floor Leader Damon Thayer believes it’s important to let ‘things play out in Washington, D.C.’
“The budget’s tight in Kentucky, just like it is in Washington D.C. and the difference in Kentucky is we don’t get to print our own money. like the federal government does. I don’t know, that’s a tough decision,” said Thayer.
House Speaker Stumbo would like Kentucky's Fish and Wildlife Department to look into the situation.