Your local NPR Member station isn't the only place you can hear NPR journalists. Often, they are out doing speaking engagements or talking to other press about their own communities. Here are some recent examples:
Retired NPR correspondent and Connecticut resident Anne Garrels spoke the University of Hartford commencement.
Nina Totenberg urged Washington and Lee graduates to have courage and commitment when she spoke at its School of Law commencement.
Carl Kasell spoke at a benefit for Spokane Public Radio, and even mentioned his pre-NPR past as a country and western DJ.
As she prepares to step down from hosting Weekend Edition Sunday, Liane Hansen bid farewell to the local audience in Milwaukee.
Digital news producer Heidi Glenn told Washington Post's Express how a master program at DC's American University helped her transition "from print journalist to multimedia maven."
Science correspondent Joe Palca visited a community college in North Carolina.
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