Several news outlets have begun piecing together a narrative of the military operation that killed Osama bin Laden from the perspective of his family. One thing to keep heavily in mind, however, is that all the accounts we've come across have come not from the family directly, but from Pakistani officials who say they've interviewed bin Laden's family members.
With that in mind, here is a round up of what is being reported:
-- Bin Laden's youngest wife, Amal Ahmed Abdulfattah, 29, confirms that bin Laden was killed during the raid. Quoting an unnamed Pakistani intelligence official, The Wall Street Journal reports that the woman said she had not left the Abbottabad compound in five years.
-- Quoting military spokesman Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas, CNN confirms that Abdulfattah didn't leave the compound for five years.
-- Quoting unnamed Pakistani intelligence agents, ABC News reports that three women, all bin Landen's wives, are in Pakistani custody. They say one of the women said bin Laden confined himself to "two rooms in the house, including the bedroom where he was killed. He never left those rooms, she claims, for the five years he was hiding there." ABC News adds that bin Laden's 13-year-old daughter saw her father killed in front of her. ABC News says it conducted a one-hour interview with an intelligence official and offers this count of the bin Laden family in custody: three wives, the 13-year-old daughter and six to seven other children.
-- The Wall Street Journal also reports one of bin Laden's daughter witnessed her father's death. But they report she was 12-years-old.
-- The Guardian, again citing unnamed Pakistani intelligence officials, builds a fresh narrative taking into account the changes in the story from the U.S. government. The paper cites the story of a 12-year-old girl who said she was Saudi and "Osama bin Laden is my father." Pakistani police found the girl comforting one of bin Laden's wives.
The Guardian also describes the inside of the compound in detail, reporting that each of the rooms had an attached bathroom and that one of the floors was used as a classroom.
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