Every Sunday morning since July 1998, I've been a volunteer host on KUNM.org in Albuquerque, N.M., and a show called Train to Glory. Each week, I play three hours of national and local gospel recording artists, soloists, groups and choirs, spanning both traditional and contemporary gospel (including gospel hip-hop). The music is rotated to keep it up to date, dedications are made and requests are played. We're proud to be the only live gospel music program in all of New Mexico.
We usually keep it local by including community announcements from churches, non-profit organizations and various community events, but to celebrate Easter, NPR Music has invited us to temporarily take Train to Glory nationwide. I chose more than 100 songs from my collection that touch on the old and new sound of gospel. The mix is more than eight hours long and represents what the KUNM audience hears every Sunday from 6 to 9 a.m. MT. I hope you enjoy the show.
Copyright 2013 KUNM